
All our messaging and activities are designed to inspire good works, positive attitudes and respect for our community – built and natural, and each other. Along with distributing stickers, buttons, Girl Scout patches and other logo’d items, BNP hosts promotional booths put on by the YMCA, Girls on the Run, and other unique local events.


Boiseans and all Idahoans have long been regarded as some of the most welcoming and neighborly people which led to the term “Boise Nice.” BNP has and will continue to measure this.

Our Boise Nice Prosocial Tendencies Measures (PTM) Survey has been vetted and approved by the Boise State Institutional Review Board  This process ensures that all Federal, State, and University policies regarding the conducting of research and securitization of data have been complied with.

Wave to a Stranger Month

Waving to people we don’t know, is common to those living here, though those from outside Boise might find it odd or uncomfortable. Billboards and other digital screens might inspire them to give it a try!

Boise Plogs

Plogging is the combination of jogging (or walking) while picking up litter. Far too many cities have allowed these pieces of litter to become large piles of trash. Best efforts on the part of cities and municipalities may not suffice in doing all the work. A little effort on the part of each of us can make a stark difference.

Historic Lamp Post Banner Program

If you are downtown Boise in the summer, you will see BNP banners with “nice” suggestions. These are meant to be playful and simple and completely suggestive. This year we added several different languages as a means of welcoming everyone!

Petal It Forward

On October 16th, 10,000 flowers were given to people all over Boise as part of a nationwide effort. 2 flowers were given to strangers with one for them to keep and one to give to another. Thanks to JP Morgan Chase and Fifty Flowers for inviting BNP to participate in this project!