Welcome to Boise Nice



  1. pleasant in manner; good-natured; kind


Take a moment to ask yourself: Why do you visit, live or work in Boise? It probably has to do with “Boise nice:” the caring ways we treat complete strangers, our dedicated efforts to protect special natural areas and historic structures, our engaged local businesses, the unique events that bring us together, and the vibrant non-profits that serve the vulnerable among us.

It’s also the little things: rarely honking in traffic, taking over downtown streets during Treefort or passing fellow Greenbelt users with a smile and a wave.

The Boise Nice Project is a non-profit social investment formed as a 501(c)(3) to identify, preserve, and enhance those things that make living and working in Boise so special by promoting “nice” behaviors and community events such as Boise Plogs, Wave to a Stranger month, Downtown Boise Lamp Post Banner Program, Petal it Forward and distributing bookmarks through local and school libraries. We’ll follow this up with measuring the impact of our work through scientific research (BSU PTM) and periodic surveys.

What We Do


We’re proud to be a part of the following organizations:

Tell us your Boise Nice story!

Greenbelt – Boise City Council member Bill Onweiler promoted the Boisenice idea of a Greenbelt in Boise in 1970 which initiated the 50+ year effort to create the 30+ mile stretch of multi-purpose trail along the Boise River.